Five tips to win PUBG solo games

Five tips to win PUBG solo games

PUBG is famous for delivering one of the most electrifying and realistic ‘Battle Royale’ experiences. However, as players must have realized, the game is widely different if you play a solo, duo or squad mode.In solo mode, 99 players are trying to kill you and there’s no revival. Things can get overwhelming, so we bring you top five tips to win solo games.


Hit the ground running :-

In solo mode, you have to perfect the art of landing. If you take time to land at a spot where other players are present, you will be killed.

Choose your landing spots wisely. However, we definitely recommend hitting high-activity areas in solo mode even if you are relatively new to PUBG.

It is a great way to start a game with some kills.

Know when to engage in fights :-

Solo players, often, tend to aggressively engage in fights. Don’t do that, at all.

If you see two enemies going at it, wait patiently for one to die. Then take out the other one.

If you interfere in a gunfight, chances are you will die immediately, or give away your position to the survivor.

Picking your battles smartly is pivotal to getting ‘chicken dinner’.

Clear your area before you loot :-

A rookie mistake, players make, is rushing to loot their killed enemies. While it is not advisable in duo or squad either, it is fatal in solos.

It is perfectly easy for an enemy to catch you off-guard while you’re looting, and kill you.

Even if you kill an opponent, contain your excitement. Check your surroundings for signs of enemies before looting your kill….Read more>>



